Video2Photo Is Back, HD!

With Video2Photo HD you can take and manage snapshots from any video playable on your Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 PC.

It works with AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG and various codecs out there including AVCHD and AVCHDLite.
If the video is playable on you PC then most likelly Video2Photo HD can handle that.

Here is a sample snapshot in Full-HD and here others.

Stay Tuned!




CameraSensor is a small .NET application that does some automatic action when a certain level of motion is detected in front of your webcam.

As an example I’ve set my webcam to have a look on my telephone and twitts a picture when motion occurs (e.g. on new incoming call).

As a result, you get the caller ID on your twitter account within seconds.

You can extend the usage of this app in many ways, e.g. by setting like a cheapo security system or to send automatic pictwitts with your webcam.

CameraSensor uses the AForge.NET library and will be available soon for download.

Here is a live example:
Motion Detected Sunday, October 25, 2009 10:33:17 AM on Twitpic


Why Bing.de Sucks


Just one reason I found today. Even if I selected “Only English”, the first search results (including Ads) were redirecting me to German websites.

Bad Bad Bad!


Cum protejam SD-Cardurile de Virusi? [HowTo]

Se pare ca multi au uitat de floppy-uri.
Pe vremuri asa te protejai de virusi. Intre timp SD-card-urile sunt peste tot. Desi au aceiasi metoda simpla de protectie ca la Floppy multi uita de asta.

Fra-miu a avut azi o revelatie 😀

Asa ca… Inainte de a baga un SD-Card intr-un computer strain nu uita-ti ca-l puteti proteja la scriere tragand de switch-ul ala in jos:


flickr gupr – upload photos to flickr, send to groups


Flickr Gupr is my new experimental project. It behaves almost like Flickr Uploadr:
– Edit the Title, Description, Tags, Security Level, etc. off-line and submit them with the photo
– Group Edit of all these properties (e.g. select desired photos and edit specific properties)
– Batch Upload

There are some extra nifty features:
– You can create packs of groups and manage them off-line. When you want to send the photo, gupr will automatically send that photo to all selected groups
– When uploading the photo, you can post a comment (most likely the First Post on the photo thread)
– You can add a watermark to your photo by just typing it in

Planned features:
– You can update an existing photo
– You can schedule the upload at a specific hour
– Add tags from the tag clouds (tag manager)
– Custom signatures in the description and 1st comment area
– Basic Image processing (crop, straighten, rotate, down/re sample)
– …

This is an early functional beta. You can download it and you are free to use it.
You will need .NET 2.0. Feel free to comment.

Download Flickr Gupr [beta]


Booting XP and Mac OSX86 togheter [howto]

I’m assuming that you installed Windows XP on 1st disk and the OSX86 on a separate disk (2nd disk)

Here we go…

Getting the chain0 file from your OSX86
– Put a memory stick in the PC and boot OSX86
– In OSX86 start terminal and type:

cp /usr/standalone/i386/chain0 /Volumes/[MemoryStickName]/

chain0 is a 512 bytes file containing the Darwin boot sector

Placing the chain0 file to the root of your XP boot partition
– Reboot to Windows XP
– Be sure to copy the chain0 file from the memory stick to root of the Windows XP boot partition (usually C:\)

Editing boot.ini file
– Click-Right on My Computer, then Properties, Advanced, Start Up and Recovery and then Settings
– In the Startup and Recovery page, press the Edit button
– Add the following line to the boot.ini
C:\chain0="Mac OS X"
– Save boot.ini and reboot

On the boot screen you should have another option to boot OSX. Select it and press Enter.

The PC should boot OSX86.