AirFlow by Daniel Codres on Mixcloud
New Track – No Clue
Google Map Saver (GMS) trends
Thank to all GMS users for keeping Google Map Saver “trendy” 🙂
DARPA’s Pet-Proto Robot Navigates Obstacles
In this video, the Pet-Proto, a predecessor to DARPA’s Atlas robot, is confronted with obstacles similar to those robots might face in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC). To maneuver over and around the obstacles, the robot exercises capabilities including autonomous decision-making, dismounted mobility and dexterity. The DARPA Robotics Challenge will test these and other capabilities in a series of tasks that will simulate conditions in a dangerous, degraded, human-engineered environment. Teams participating in Tracks B and C of the DRC will compete for access to a modified version of the Atlas robot for use in the 2013 and 2014 live disaster-response challenge events
For more information on the DRC, please see:
Jesus Everywhere
Water on Mars. How would look?
Apple copies Nokia
This wouldn’t happen if Steve was alive.
LS3 – Legged Squad Support System
Cheetah at 28.3 mph