Anaglyph Decoder

Anaglyph Decoder [ADEC] is a software that decodes anaglyph 3d photos. This means that you can see the Anaglyph 3d Photo in 2d (black & white) if you don’t posses 3D (red-cyan) glasses.
To exemplify what ADEC does, install it and press capture on this screen.
The entire screen will turn grayscale and the Left Eye will be decoded. You can save the decoded picture to the harddrive by using the Printscreen or a screen capture tool
Windows 7 users can use the “Snipping Tool” tool included in Windows 7.
After you finish capturing just press the Escape key to turn back to your desktop.

For more information visit the tool page.


Developing Client-Side (or Server-Side) HTML5/JavaScript Applications with Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 is a very good choice for developing portable Client-Side HTML5 and JavaScript applications for Mobile and Desktop.

While Visual Studio 2010 supports JavaScript intellisense there are some tips and tricks you need to know.
Here we go:

Tip 0: Download and install the following Visual Studio 2010 Extensions

  • Indent Guides
  • JScrip Brace Matching Extension
  • JScript Editor Extensions
  • JScript Outlining Extensions
  • JScript Word Highlighter Extension
  • VSCommands 2010
  • Productivity Power Tools
  • PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2010
  • MotherEffin THML5 Site (based on HTML5 Boilerplate project)

Tip1 : If you want to develop client-side application with HTML 5 and JavaScript, start a blank solution and add HTML files and JS files accordingly. Otherwise start and empty WebSite.

Tip2: You may want to use JQuery. To get intellisense for JQuery have a look here.

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How to disable the Metro GUI in Windows 8

  1. Start regedit from the command prompt
  2. Navigate to:


  1. Locate the RPEnabled key and set it to Zero
  2. Alternativelly you can download the following reg file and double-click on it.

After disabling the Metro GUI you can get it back every time by restoring the key value to “1” or:

  • Pressing the Windows Key + Click on the Start Button (Windows Logo)


  • doing a mouse click on the bottom/left Start Button