Simple URL Hack brings the old google images search
Well, just add the following string to the images URL: &sout=1 The_Doc via Lifehacker
Well, just add the following string to the images URL: &sout=1 The_Doc via Lifehacker
Since I’m getting slowly into this I just want to pin this nice overview regarding DSLR Video Shotting. It is for 5DMarkII but some hints work with EOS 550d as well. Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Canon 5d Mk II
Weekend is close, time for a new Sad Keanu pic. So… Sad Keanu is sad. He has NO signal. Steve Jobs should give him MORE signal.
It was around 45 Km with one pause after 35 Km. Here is a video:
On the low light shots I got a cyan pixel stuck in the bottom right area. It seems that pixel disappeared meanwhile but was there for an entire shotting session. I’ll keep eye on it in future. Meanwhile I read… Continue Reading
Keanu is Sad is a new meme around the interwebs. Some of my photochops related with this meme. And for RO
Karlsruhe – Ettlingen -Fischweir – Woelkersbach – Marxell – Bad Herrenalb and retour. Details here: Kalrsruhe – Bad HerrenalbFind more Runs in Karlsruhe, Germany
Un anume blogger (nu dau link ca-i creez rating 😉 ) spunea ca nu gaseste utilitatea App Store-ului. In fine, articolul mi s-a parut un pic flam-bait, insa astea-s alea pe care eu le gasesc utile: – Bookreader – Shazam… Continue Reading